Sunday, December 2, 2012

End of the road

As I end my blog posting for the semester I decided I'll write about what I thought about the game in general.

I left my comfort zone for this game. It isn't what I'm used to in video games. I'm usually playing shooting games so playing a first person rpg was kind of new. But to say the least, loved this game. It literally was the longest game I've ever played. I spent about 300 hours on it and I definitely didn't explore everything. I was still discovering new places even after I finished the story.

I never have been more impressed with a game just by looking up. Skyrim has some of the greatest visuals I've ever seen. Even looking up in a virtual space. The view of the stars can still render you breathless as well as the sunset.

Now the massiveness of this game does have its drawbacks. The glitches, if you let them, can drive you up the wall. There are some glitches that even hinder you from completing certain missions. Yet, the size of this game and the amount of missions you can do makes up for those missions.

I would definitely recommend skyrim to anyone that has played video games before. It's a great story and a great reality to experience, it's definitely worth a look.

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